Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
buat duit online
program jana duit dengan click seperti klik nuffnang?
program jana duit dengan click seperti klik nuffnang?
sape tahu pasal ni?
saya rasa macam penah dengar,
adakah yang ini --> ADvertisment
what do you think??
Monday, December 14, 2009
Jennifer kuat seks
BEKAS kekasih pelakon opera Hollyoaks, Will Rogers mendedahkan Jennifer Metcalfe adalah seorang yang kuat seks. Ia juga penyebab utama mengapa deejay berkenaan ditinggalkan oleh wanita berusia 26 tahun tersebut.
“Jennifer seorang yang dahagakan seks. Dia boleh melakukannya (persetubuhan) sepanjang malam tanpa henti. Dia beranggapan seks amat penting buatnya dan tahu apa yang diingini,” katanya kepada News of The World.
Will menambah, Jennifer juga bertindak liar sekiranya Will tidak memberi kepuasan kepuasan kepadanya.
“Pernahkah anda mendengar tentang pasangan yang melakukan hubungan seks 10 kali semalaman. Tetapi tidak pada Jennifer kerana dia akan meminta lebih daripada jumlah itu,” tambah Will.
sumber : utusan malaysia
Saturday, November 7, 2009
jangan lupa bookmark page ini, and FOLLOW blog ini . ok?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Mengantuk selepas melakukan hubungan kelamin
SAYA selalu ‘bersama’ isteri tetapi kadangkala saya cepat klimaks dan selepas itu saya terus mengantuk dan tertidur, sedangkan ada masanya isteri mahu lakukan seks untuk ‘pusingan kedua’.
Masalahnya saya terlalu mengantuk, namun kemaluan saya masih mampu tegang jika dirangsang oleh isteri.
Saya ingin tahu daripada doktor apa masalahnya dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya?
Kajian menunjukkan lebih banyak lelaki mengantuk dan terus tidur selepas klimaks dan selesai hubungan seks berbanding wanita.
Ia bukan fenomena luar biasa untuk anda kerana lelaki biasanya memainkan peranan dominan dan banyak melakukan pergerakan. Ini secara langsung boleh membuatkan mereka cepat berasa letih selepas klimaks.
Ia juga disebabkan pengeluaran kimia biologik dikenali sebagai beta-endorfin, oxitocin dan prolactin selain kimia hasil tindak balas urat saraf membuatkan lelaki itu mudah terlena selepas klimaks.
Wanita pula tidak selalu klimaks dan mereka lebih seronok berborak selepas pasangannya selesai ejakulasi dan ada masanya mereka mahukan ‘pusingan kedua’.
Jika pasangan tidak berdaya, mereka yang tahu sangat kelemahan pasangan harus menerimanya dengan terbuka.
Ada beberapa perkara anda boleh cuba buat jika mahu lakukan hubungan intim sepanjang malam dengan pasangan.
Jangan tunggu lewat malam untuk melakukan hubungan intim itu kerana lebih lewat anda bersama, ia lebih mudah menyebabkan anda mengantuk selepas selesai seks.
Mungkin kurangkan makan sebelum seks kerana jika lapar tidak mudah mengantuk dan sebelum memulakan ‘pusingan kedua’, anda boleh ambil makanan ringan dan aktifkan kembali proses keintiman bersama isteri.
Minum kopi juga dapat aktifkan minda dan menghalang perasaan mengantuk. Selepas itu, anda boleh panjangkan keintiman dengan pasangan mengikut kehendak pasangan.
sumber - harian metro
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Laman web lucah mudah dilayari remaja
Selebihnya tiada peruntukan undang-undang yang boleh digunakan untuk menyekat atau menutup laman web berkenaan.
Khairul Amir yang bimbang dengan perkembangan laman web lucah di negara ini membuat aduan itu kepada SKMM dan menerima jawapan yang mengejutkannya kerana laman web lucah itu bukan saja bebas beroperasi di negara malah mengaut keuntungan besar.
Pengendali laman web pula dikatakan mampu mengelak undang-undang mengikut Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia (AKM) 1998 yang longgar dan pemeriksaan pengawasan pula hanya dijalankan secara rambang serta berdasarkan aduan.
Katanya, mengikut jawapan SKMM atas aduannya itu, dua lagi laman web disifatkan tidak mempunyai kandungan bercanggah dengan peruntukkan AKM 1998 dan tiada tindakan akan diambil.
sumber : berita harian.
Bahana nafsu perempuan mengandung
Tempoh ini ibarat ‘musim mengawan’ kerana tiga bulan selepas itu rumah perlindungan wanita akan mencatatkan peningkatan kes wanita tidak bersuami mengandung memohon ‘perlindungan’ dan di seluruh negara pula akan mencatatkan kes buang bayi sama ada yang ditemui masih hidup atau ada janin dibuang di dalam semak, tandas awam atau pusat pembuangan sampah.
Cukup menarik untuk membicarakan topik ini kerana umumnya ia membabitkan pasangan yang mengadakan hubungan intim membawa kepada perlakuan seks terlarang. Soal sah atau haram diketepikan pelakunya, asalkan hasrat nafsu serakah dicapai.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Beginilah cara yang seronok untuk memblogging.
sambil blog sambil buat duit.
thanks kepada smua pengungjung blog saya. tanpa anda, mungkin x dapat sebegini tinggi nilainya.
Harap semua pembaca terus melawat blog saya.
kalau boleh, bookmark la skali.
saya juga akan mengunjungi blog anda.
sila tinggalkan link di sini.
jangan lupa follow saya dan bookmark blog saya.
ataupun untuk lagi mudah, set blog saya sebagai homepage.
caranya :
1. copy link ini :
2. Pergi ke tool , kemudian option.
3. Pada MAIN tab, di ruangan homepage ,paste kan link ini
4. Klik ok. siap!!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
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Saturday, August 29, 2009
Anda sudah lama berkecimpung di dalam Adsense, tetapi masih tidak berpuas hati dengan pendapatan Adsense anda? Sudah semestinya anda inginkan pendapatan Adsense anda semewah pakar-pakar Adsense di Malaysia mahupun satu dunia. Mereka semua termasuk kami Team SpeedAdsense sudah menjana pendapatan yang lumayan setiap bulan dengan Adsense.
Semua itu tak semudah yang disangkakan. Ya! Memang sukar untuk menjadi seorang yang pakar di dalam Adsense walaupun anda sudah membeli bermacam-macam panduan untuk mendalami ilmu Adsense. Tetapi sekarang anda tidak perlu risau lagi kerana kami akan membantu meningkatkan pendapatan harian Adsense anda menggunakan sistem TERHEBAT kami.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Sifat+Cara Puasa Nabi di bulan Ramadhan
Sifat+Cara Puasa Nabi di bulan Ramadhan
Rekan-rekan, seperti janjiku, insya ALLOH aku akan menurunkan artikel mengenai cara Rasululloh SAW berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan. Artikel ini akan muncul dalam 6 bagian, agar ringkas sehingga mudah dibaca dan dicerna serta tidak sulit untuk diterapkan.
Silakan sebarkan artikel ini, insya ALLOH kita akan menuai kebajikan dari tiap amalan yg dilakukan
Artikel ini ringkasan dari kitab Sifat Saum Nabi fi Ramadhan
Karya Syaikh Ali Hasan dan Syaikh Salim Alhilai
1. Keutamaan Puasa
Sesungguhnya laki-laki dan perempuan yang muslim, laki-laki dan perempuan yang mu’min, laki-laki dan perempuan yang tetap dalam keta`atannya, laki-laki dan perempuan yang benar, laki-laki dan perempuan yang sabar, laki-laki dan perempuan yang khusyu`, laki-laki dan perempuan yang bersedekah, laki-laki dan perempuan yang berpuasa, laki-laki dan perempuan yang memelihara kehormatannya, laki-laki dan perempuan yang banyak menyebut (nama) Allah, Allah telah menyediakan untuk mereka ampunan dan pahala yang besar. (Al Ahzab : 35)
a. Puasa adalah perisai
Puasa adalah perisai, dengannya seorang hamba terjaga dari api neraka (hadits shahih riwayat Ahmad)
b. Puasa memasukkan ke syurga
Dari Abu Umamah, ia berkata, aku bertanya Wahai Rasulullah tunjukkan kepadaku suatu amal yang memasukkanku ke surga, Nabi bersabda : Hendaknya engkau berpuasa, tiada yang menyamainya. (Hadits riwayat Nasai, ibnu Hibban, dan Hakim dan sanadnya shahih)
c. Orang yang berpuasa mendapatkan pahala tanpa hisab
d. Bagi orang yan berpuasa ada dua kegembiraan
e. Bau mulut orang yang berpuasa lebih harum disisi Allah dari bau kasturi
Friday, July 31, 2009
Adam Sandler
Adam Richard Sandler (born September 9, 1966) is an American comedian, actor, musician, screenwriter and film producer. After becoming a Saturday Night Live cast member, he went on to star in several Hollywood feature films that grossed over US$100 million at the box office.[1] Though he is best known for his comedic roles, such as in the films Billy Madison (1995), Happy Gilmore (1996), Big Daddy (1999) and Mr. Deeds (2002), he has also had success in romantic and dramatic roles, such as in the films The Wedding Singer (1998), Punch-Drunk Love (2002), Spanglish (2004), and Reign Over Me (2007).
Early life
Adam Sandler was born in Brooklyn, New York, the son of Judy, a nursery school teacher, and Stanley Sandler, an electrical engineer. Sandler is Jewish. When he was five, his family moved to Manchester, New Hampshire, where he attended Manchester Central High School. He found he was a natural comic, and nurtured his talent while at New York University by performing regularly in clubs and on campuses. He graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in either 1988 or 1991, depending on the source.
Later in his career, he would often draw on his earliest memories for material for his comedy and movies. The song "Lunchlady Land" is dedicated to Emalee, the lunchlady at Hayden Dining Hall at New York University. In the movie Click, Sandler goes to Lake Winnipesaukee, the largest lake in New Hampshire, where he went to summer camp.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Walaupun ia cuma ramalan psikologi, namun ada juga kebenarannya.
Nak tahu apa soalan tersebut? Baik, saya kongsikan dengan anda. Soalannya berbunyi begini.
Ada 5 perkara berlaku serentak.
1.Air mendidih kat dapur.
2.Air paip melimpah kat bilik air.
3.Bayi menangis.
4.Telefon berbunyi.
5. Ada orang ketuk pintu.
Kalau anda diberi pilihan, apakah perkara yang anda akan 'settle' kan terlebih dahulu?
Anda dikehendaki untuk susun perkara 1 ~ 5 tersebut mengikut kepentingan dan keutamaan yang anda fikirkan.
Semua perkara tersebut mestilah diselesaikan.
Susunlah ikut perkara yang anda rasa lebih penting untuk diselesaikan dahulu.
Bayangkan anda sedang mengalami keadaan seperti itu sekarang.
Fikirkan dan timbangkan, apakah perkara yang anda akan selesaikan mengikut keutamaan anda.
OK, dah habis fikir dan buat keputusan?
Nak tahu apakah fakta terselindung disebalik jawapan yang anda berikan?
Baik, mari kita semak jawapan anda...
apakah ciri/sifat/perkara yang anda utama dan pentingkan dalam memilih pasangan anda.
* Kalau anda memilih untuk menutup air medidih : menandakan anda mementingkan keselamatan dan kebolehan 'si dia' untuk membimbing anda.
* Kalau anda memilih untuk menutup pili air yang melimpah di bilik air : menandakan anda mementingkan kekayaan,wang ringgit dan harta.
* Kalau anda memilih untuk memujuk bayi yang menangis : menandakan anda mementingkan cinta dan kasih sayang.
* Kalau anda memilih untuk mengangkat telefon yang sedang berbunyi : menandakan anda mementingkan akhlak, budi bahasa dan perlakuan pasangan anda.
* Kalau anda memilih untuk membuka pintu : menandakan anda mementingkan rupa paras, fizikal luaran dan personaliti pasangan anda.
Haaa macam mana dengan keputusan anda? Bagus? Anda boleh bertanya soalan ini kepada rakan-rakan anda untuk mengetahui apakah perkara-perkara yang mereka utamakan dalam memilih pasangan hidup.
Apabila seorang wanita masih bertahan dengan prinsip hijabnya, maka syaitan beralih dengan strategi yang lebih halus.
Bagaimanakah caranya?
1. Membuka Bahagian Tangan
Kebiasaannya telapak tangan sudah terbuka, maka syaitan membisikkan kepada para wanita agar ada sedikit peningkatan fesyen, iaitu membuka bahagia hasta (siku hingga telapak tangan).
"Ah!Tidak apa-apa, kan masih pakai tudung dan pakai baju panjang."Begitu bisikan syaitan.
Akhirnya si wanita menampakkan tangannya dan ternyata para lelaki melihatnya juga seperti biasa.
Maka syaitan berbisik, "Hah,tak apa-apa kan?"
2. Membuka Leher dan Dada
Setelah menampakkan tangan menjadi kebiasaan, maka datanglah syaitan untuk membisikkan perkara baru lagi.
"Kini buka tangan sudah menjadi lumrah, maka perlu ada peningkatan fesyen yang lebih maju lagi, iaitu terbuka bahagian atas dada kamu, tetapi jangan sebut sebagai pakaian terbuka, hanya sedikit untuk mendapatkan hawa agar tidak panas. Cubalah! Orang pasti tidak akan peduli kerana sebahagian sahaja yang terbuka."
Maka dipakailah pakaian fesyen terbaru yang terbuka bahagian leher dan dadanya dari fesyen setengah lingkaran hingga fesyen berbentuk "V".
3. Berpakaian tapi Telanjang
Syaitan berbisik lagi, "Pakaianmu hanya begitu-begitu saja, cubalah fesyen yang lebih bagus! Banyak kain yang agak tipis, lalu bentuknya dibuat agak ketat biar lebih indah dan cantik dipandang."
Maka tergodalah si wanita. "Mungkin tidak ada masalah, kan potongan pakaiannya masih panjang, hanya bahan dan fesyennya sahaja yang berbeza, agar nampak lebih feminin," begitu syaitan menokok-nambah.
Maka, jadilah mereka wanita yang disebut oleh Nabi s.a.w sebagai kasiyat 'ariyat (berpakaian tapi telanjang).
4. Agak Terbuka Sedikit
Setelah para muslimah mengenakan pakaian yang ketat, maka syaitan datang lagi.
"Pakaian seperti ini membuat susah berjalan atau duduk, kerana sempit, kan lebih baik dibelah hingga lutut atau mendekati peha? Dengan itu kamu lebih selesa."
Lalu dicubalah idea baru itu, dan memang benar dengan dibelah mulai dari bahaian bawah hingga lutut atau mendekati peha ternyata lebih selesa dan mudah untuk duduk atau menaiki kenderaan.
5. Tudung Semakin Kecil
Kini syaitan melangkah dengan tipu daya lain yang lebih "power".
Tujuannya adalah agar para wanita menampakkan bahagian auratnya. "Oh, ada yang terlupa! Kalau kamu pakai baju sedemikian, maka tudung yang besar tidak sepadan lagi. Sekarang kamu cari tudung yang lebih kecil agar serasi dan sepadan. Orang tetap akan menamakannya tudung."
6. Terdedah
Si wanita ternyata selesa dengan fesyen baru yang dipakainya seharian. Syaitan datang memberi idea lagi. "Rambutmu sangat cantik. Bukankah lebih selesa jika tudungmu dilepaskan. Kamu bebas mencuba fesyen rambut yang pelbagai. Malah, kamu boleh mewarnakan mengikut warna yang kamu suka supaya kelihatan lebih menawan."
Maka, sekali lagi syaitan berjaya mempengaruhi si wanita supaya mendedahkan rambutnya.
7. Membuka Seluruh
Syaitan kembali berbisik, "Kalau langkah kakimu masih kurang selesa, maka cubalah kamu cari fesyen yang lebih menarik. Bukankah kini banyak skirt separuh betis dijual di pasaran? Tidak usah terlalu terdedah, hanya kira-kira 10 sentimeter sahaja. Nanti kalau kamu sudah biasa, baru cari fesyen yang di atas paras lutut"
Benar-benar bisikan syaitan telah menjadi penasihat peribadinya.
Maka terbiasalah dia memakai pakaian terdedah.
Terkadang si wanita berfikir, apakah ini tidak bersalahan dengan agama?
Namun bisikan syaitan menyahut, "Ah, jelas tidak bersalahan. Kan sekarang zaman sudah semakin moden. Kamu hanya mengikut arus fesyen masa kini."
"Tetapi, apakah ini tidak menjadi fitnah bagi kaum lelaki?" hati si wanita curiga.
"Fitnah? Ah, kalau kaum lelaki melihat bahagian tubuh wanita yang terbuka, malah senang dan mengatakan ooh atau wow, bukankah ini bererti sudah tidak ada fitnah lagi, kerana sama-sama suka?" syaitan menghasut.
Begitulah sesuatu yang seakan-akan mustahil untuk dilakukan.
Namun syaitan tidak pernah berhenti membisikkan hasutan-hasutan jahat sehingga ke saat kematian seorang anak Adam itu.
Hingga pada suatu ketika nanti akan muncul idea untuk mandi di kolam renang atau di pantai secara terbuka, di mana hanya dua bahagian sahaja yang ditutupi iaitu kemaluan dan buah dada!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Michael Or Mikaeel Jackson?
Worldwide news today announced that a Michael Jackson public memorial service has been set and will take place on Tuesday, 7 July 2009 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.
Michael Jackson, 50, died of cardiac arrest at his rented home in Los Angeles on 25 June 2009.
As I pen this, one of the rumors widely circulated by media and fans alike is regarding Michael's alleged conversion to Islam in November 2008 and has since changed his name to 'Mikaeel'.
Below are the frequently asked questions and some answers based on facts I have gathered from the web.
Q1. The international media has announced that Michael Jackson (MJ) has converted to Islam and changed his name to 'Mikaeel'.
A1. Not true. The rumors started with a 'news coverage' by The Sun (U.K.) dated 21 November 2008 and the rest of the global tabloid (and some mainstream) media based their coverage on this news thereon. The Sun (U.K.) is famous for its often unverified stories (some are even developed from hearsay, lies or half-truth) and sensual gossips of world celebrities.
Q2. The news stated that Yusuf Islam (a.k.a. Cat Stevens) turned up during the conversion ceremony.
A2. Not true. Yusuf Islam has issued a statement on his official website stating that he was not at any kind of conversion ceremony for Michael Jackson as he was busy filming a video for a new song at the purported time.
Q3. But what about David Wharnsby who claimed to be responsible for the counselling of Michael Jackson into Islam? The conversion ceremony was held at Wharnsby's studio, I heard!
A3. Not true. David Wharnsby has also issued a statement dated 26 June 2009 on his official website stating that he never had the honour or pleasure of meeting Micheal Jackson personally, nor did they ever correspond on matters of their professions, personal lives or faiths.
Q4. What about the Imam who assisted Michael Jackson with the Syahadah?
A4. Not true. The Imam in question, I believe, is Imam Zaid Shakir, who had earlier 'verified' that David Wharnsby (refer Q3) was indeed there during the conversion ceremony. He has amended his blog entry on 25 June 2009, admitting that the part about Dawud (David) Wharnsby being present at the ceremony is not true. From his entry, the Imam claims that news about the conversion came from 'a good friend who is a reliable source of information' but did not mention any names. Thus, it's still not a verified news. But the truth is, Imam Zaid Shakir WAS NOT the Imam who assisted Michael Jackson with the Syahadah as reported.
Q5. But Jermaine Jackson, Michael's brother is a Muslim!
A5. True. Jermaine converted to Islam in 1989. He has also figured heavily on the Islam Channel in the UK where he talked about his Islamic faith as well as announcing several charity projects that he plans to undertake. He is now married to Halima Rashid and resides in Los Angeles, but travel frequently to London and Bahrain. He was even in Malaysia couple of months back!
Q6. And Jermaine confirms about Michael's conversion!
A6. Not true. Jermaine only said that Michael has TAKEN INTEREST in the religion since the former's conversion in 1989. He got Michael 'a lot of books' on Islam and Michael asked him 'lots of question'. Jermaine merely conveyed about Michael's interests on Islam and never stated that Michael had indeed converted. And take note that the timeline of this 'confirmation' doesn't match. Jermaine's statement came as early as February 2007 (the one referred to as the 'confirmation' ) whereas Michael's alleged conversion took place in November 2008.
Q7. What about Jermaine's "May Allah be with you Michael, always" during the press conference after Michael died? Doesn't that indicate that Michael's a Muslim?
A7. Jermaine was of kin with Michael, so it would make sense that he would pray for the latter according to the former's own faith. Doesn't mean that Michael was Muslim.
Q8. What about the song 'Give Thanks To Allah' that Michael recorded?
A8. Not true. The song is actually performed by Zain Bhikha, a South African Muslim singer-songwriter who sounded vaguely like Michael. The song was featured in Zain's album titled 'Towards The Light' released in 2000.
Q9. But CNN reported that an Imam went to meet Michael's family to discuss about the funeral arrangements?
A9. Not true. There's no such news on CNN. You can search CNN's website.
Q10. So what was Michael Jackson's religion, actually?
A10. For the most part it is believed that Michael Jackson did not officially practice any one religion devoutly, although he did explore different alternative religions throughout his life. Michael Jackson's parents were Jehovah's Witnesses. Michael was born a Jehovah's Witness, and practiced this religion for a short period of time after his hit 'Thriller' was released. In 1987, when the Jehovah's Witnesses criticized his album, Michael Jackson announced that he has 'disassociated himself' from this religious following. For a brief period of time he wore a red string on his left wrist, a symbol of Kabbalah and was good friends with Rabbi Shmuley, an orthodox Jewish. Michael even wrote an article about his childhood, Sabbath and freedom that appeared on Beliefnet. Then of course, his interests on Islam based on his kin's conversion in 1989.
Q11. Why do you even bother what religion Michael was?
A11. Because I am a Muslim, and all these unverified claims of 'Michael died a Muslim', to me at least, is baseless and making Muslims look like fools who have the tendency to believe in rumors and unverified claims.
Muslims were once at the pinnacle of Science and Mathematics discoveries during the height of the Islamic Empire.
Muslim scientists back then conducted experiments based on hard facts and empirical evidence after long series of studies, discussions and experiments.
Unfortunately now, we choose to resort to rumors and hearsay. What a shame!
Once upon a time, Muslims contributed massively to the development in areas of Science, Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics while the Western world were indulged in superstitions, witchcraft and paranormal matters.
But at present, the Western world has 'conquered' Science, Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics while the Muslim world are indulged in superstitions, witchcraft and paranormal matters.
And unverified claims that Michael Jackson died a Muslim.
What went wrong?
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A.W. Surveys Scam
In this post , I'd like to discuss A.W. Surveys and tell you my experience with this survey site. First of all, the site was quite nice as it has 9 good paying welcome surveys that pay from $4 to $6 for each quick website evaluation So once you complete those 9 website evaluations then you have a quick $26! That was easy! Oh and they also give you $1.25 for each referral you send over to their site be scammed with you.
A.W. Surveys will only let you cash out once you have at least $75 in your account. Guess what? They don't send you anymore surveys. You made $26 from them and the rest of the money you make must come from referring people. If you Google aw surveys scam, you will find many posts from upset ex-members that were burned by the site.
The weird thing is that A.W. Surveys has a very good traffic rank. How they manage to keep getting members to the site is beyond me.
So is A.W. Surveys a scam or not? Well they are notorious for cancelling poor innocent members accounts once they get close to their cashout point. They cancel it without warning and you may get a response saying that they suspected "fraud" or something along those lines.
Surprisingly, they have paid a few members but it seems that they may be doing this only to keep people coming to the site. So lets say 4 out of 10 members get paid - Those 4 members are going to keep referring people plus A.W. Surveys made money from the other 6 people without having to pay them.
I would HIGHLY recommend staying away from A.W. Surveys, as well as any of it's sister companies owned by Aclarn, Inc. These companies include:
So, what is your opinion??
END. Jokes Story Below :
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
1. Cara makan, kenapa kita gunakan tangan? Mengikut cara Rasulullah s.a.w, beliau akan menggaulkan lauk dan nasi dengan tangan kanannya dan kemudian membiarkan sebentar, lalu Rasullah saw akan mengambil sedikit garam menggunakan jari kecilnya(yg last tu), lalu Rasullah saw akan menghisap garam itu. Kemudian barulah Rasulullah makan nasi dan lauknya.
Kerana kedua belah tangan kita ada mengeluarkan 3 macam enzim, tetapi konsentrasi di tangan kanan kurang sedikit dari yg kiri. Ini adalah kerana enzim yg ada di tangan kanan itu merupakan enzim yang dapat menolong proses penghadaman (digestion), ia merupakan the first process of digestion. Mengapa menghisap garam? Kerana garam adalah sumber mineral dari tanah yg diperlukan oleh badan kita. Dua cecah garam dari jari kita itu adalah sama dgn satu liter air mineral. Kita berasal dari tanah maka lumrahnya bahan yang asal dari bumi (tanah) inilah yg paling berkhasiat untuk kita.
Kenapa garam? Selain dari sebab ia adalah sumber mineral, garam juga adalah penawar yang paling mujarab bagi keracunan, mengikut Dr, di hospital-hospital, the first line of treatment for poisoning adalah dengan memberi Sodium Chloride, iaitu GARAM. Garam juga dapat menghalang sihir dan makhluk-makhluk halus yang ingin menggangu manusia. 2. Cara Rasulullah mengunyah - Rasulullah akan mengunyah sebanyak 40 kali untuk membiarkan makanan itu betul-betul lumat agar perut kita senang memproseskan makanan itu. 3. Membaca Basmalah (Bismillahirrahma Nirrahim). Membaca Basmalah sebelum makan untuk mengelakkan penyakit. Kerana bakteria dan racun ada membuat perjanjian dengan Allah swt, apabila Basmalah dibaca maka bakteria dan racun akan musnah dari sumber makanan itu.
2. Cara Rasulullah minum. Janganlah kita minum berdiri walaupun ia makruh tetapi ia makruh yang menghampiri kepada haram. Jangan kita minum dari bekas yg besar dan jangan bernafas sedang kita minum. Kerana apabila kita minum dari bekas yg besar, lumrahnya kita akan meneguk air dan dalam proses minum itu, kita tentu akan bernafas dan menghembuskan nafas dari hidung kita. Kerana apabila kita hembus, kita akan mengeluarkan CO2 iaitu carbon dioxide, yang apabila bercampur dgn air H20, akan menjadi H2CO3, iaitu sama dengan cuka, menyebabkan minuman itu menjadi acidic.
Jangan meniup air yg panas, sebabnya sama diatas. Cara minum, seteguk bernafas, seteguk bernafas sehingga habis. Mengapa Islam menyuruh di sebat 100 kali orang belum berkahwin yang berzina, dan merejam sehingga mati org yg sudah berkahwin yang berzina? Badan manusia akan mengeluarkan sel-sel darah putih atau antibiotik yg dapat melawan penyakit. Dan sel-sel ini terdapat di daerah tulang belakang, berdekatan dengan sum-sum tulang manusia. Lelaki yang belum berkahwin dia akan dapat mengeluarkan beribu-ribu sel ini, manakala lelaki yang sudah berkahwin hanya dapat menghasilkan 10 unit sel ini sehari, kerana antara sebabnya ialah kerana sel-sel lain akan hilang kerana perhubungan suami isteri. Jadi apabila lelaki yang belum berkahwin didapati salah kerana zina hendaklah disebat 100 kali.
Ini adalah kerana apabila dia disebat di belakangnya, suatu amaran tentang kesakitan itu akan membuatkan penghasilan beribu sel antibiotik yang dapat melawan virus HIV jika ia ada di badannya, dengan itu dapatlah antibodi melawan virus HIV itu. Tetapi jika lelaki itu sudah berkahwin, walaupun disebat 100 kali ia akan tetap menghasilkan 10 unit antibodi sahaja, jadi dengan itu hukumannya direjam hingga mati agar dia tidak dapat merebakkan virus HIV itu.
Lastly, sedikit informasi tentang Ka'bah. Mengapa ia terletak di Mekah al-Mukarramah dan mengapa ia empat persegi (cube). Ia terletak di posisinya sekarang kerana setelah dibuat kajian oleh para cendikiawan dari Pakistan dan Arab, didapati, tempat terletaknya Ka'bah sekarang itu, adalah betul-betul di tengah bumi. Mengapa ia empat persegi, ia melambangkan perpaduan ummah yang bergerak maju bersama, equality and unity, tidak seperti bentuk pyramid, di mana ia diumpamakan, seperti hanya seorang pemenang yg berada diatas setelah ia memijak-mijak yang lain. Dan antara lagi sebab mengapa 4 persegi melambangkan 4 imam besar, Maliki, Hambali, Hanafi dan Syafi'i, melambangkan kebenaran keempat-empat Imam tersebut.
Sekian buat renungan bersama, Fi amanillah Jazakallah.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
6 Way to Increase Your Traffic and Ranking of Your Website
Here i give you 6 Way to Increase Your Traffic and Ranking Your Website :
1. Submit your website to web directory
This way is good for increase traffic and get a back link. And can increase your PR.
2. Join the link exchange
Join the link exchange can improve and get the link too.
3. Submit Article
If you like write article, and can writing in good grammar and popular topic. This is the way to get link and increase your PR.
4. Submit to Social Networking
Join to the social networking system like this sample.
5. Submit to Social Bookmarking
This method is better than social network. You can get more backlink from web in High page Rank.
6. Comment on other blog
Your favorite blog is good. Comment on the same topic blog is better. Take your link on another blog. Keep and write positive blog comment. Remember don’t try to SPAM.
- Posting on the your favorite forum. Take the signature. That is the best way to promote your blog on the forum.
- And My last Method. Give your guest and fanatic user on your blog a free content and facilities. And try to promote with your free to get back link from your user.
Lets see a funny story below :
Saiz Zakar Lelaki Melayu Ditentukan oleh 4 Faktor
1. Pengambilan zink ketika hamil
Kekurangan pengambilan zink ketika hamil mempengaruhi perkembangagan organ pembiakan. Namun masih kurang kesedaran pengambilan zink di kalangan ibu-ibu yang hamil. Selain itu pengambilan zink perlu di bawah nasihat doctor selama ibu mengandung.
2. Makanan ruji
Nasi adalah makanan ruji bagi masyarakat Melayu. Namun semasa pembesaran, protein lebih banyak diperlukan berbanding. karbohidrat. Yang terjadi sekarang anak-anak sekarang gemuk-gemuk tapi tidak bertulang besar. Akibatnya, zakar tidak berkembang secara optimum, selain nasi mengandungi unsure salah satu enzim yang menghalang penyerapan Zink dalam tubuh.
3. Seluar dalam
Kebiasaan memakai seluar dalam yang ketat sepanjang hari bukanlah suatu yang baik. Hindarilah memakai seluar dalam yang ketat dengan menggantikannya dengan seluar pendek dan longgar atau boxer. Peredaran darah dan pertumbuhan zakar akan lebih baik.
4. Faktor Sunat
Jangan bersunat ketika usia masih dalam pertumbuhan, biarkan kulit zakar dan zakar berkembang lebih dulu. Umur yang sesuai antara 13-14 tahun. Berkhatan pada usia ini, membuatkan kulit zakar tertarik. Boleh menconohi kebiasaan unik bangsa Afrika yang sejak remaja hingga dewasa selalu mengurut zakar mereka. Tak hairan bangsa Afrika dikenali sebagai bangsa berakar besar.
Lets see a Humor story:
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
+Nuffnang CTR Bonus+
Extra easy money from Nuffnang .... good job to Nuffnang!
I have no regrets to join in the Nuffnang Blog Advertising Community ...
in fact I regretted that I did not join in earlier ....
I was so busy for the past weeks and do not have the time to view my earning stats and visitor stats in Nuffnang dashboard.
Then I notice how come my blog ads money increased a bit.Every dollar and cents count for my living especially for my new born junior soon ... thanks to my readers support!
Till I read this ....CTR BonusTo reward blogs for good campaign performance, Nuffnang will now be giving out bonus earnings for blogs that achieve a CTR (Click-through ratio) of 0.2% or higher on new campaigns that run on their blog. This figure is based on average industry standards.
Wow, this is so cool as it add extras money to my milk powder money savings!
cheque from Nuffnang ....
Thanks Nuffnang! Who says blogging can't earn money ....
Most importantly, THANKS to my readers and friends who helped to support my blogsite ..
really appreciate that!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
SAYA NAK BAGI BUKU PERCUMA !! Saya telah berniat untuk menginfaqkan ilmu ini secara PERCUMA kepada anda.
Anda juga boleh mengedarkan ebook-ebook ini secara percuma kepada sesiapa sahaja, malah anda juga boleh MENJUAL SEMULA pada harga yang anda suka.
Saya tak kisah, asalkan ilmu ini dapat dinikmati semua orang maka itu sudah baik bagi saya.
Jangan berlengah lagi, dapatkan 3 ebook ini secara PERCUMA dengan mengisi nama dan email di bawah.
Masukkan email yang sebenar ya, tak baik tipu-tipu, TUHAN marah.
PERHATIAN : Ebook-ebook ini akan dihantar terus ke email anda. Setelah mendaftar, pastikan anda cek semula email anda dan klik pada link pengesahan yang diberi.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Segala ilmu dan rahsia semuanya ada pada saya.
Saya akan mengajar anda langkah demi langkah bagaimana kami berjaya menghasilkan pendapatan affiliate sebanyak USD$2314.00 dalam masa 7 hari dengan menggunakan sebagai platform (medium).
Apakah rahsianya sehingga saya berjaya menghasilkan pendapatan lumayan darinya?
Semua itu akan saya dedahkan secara eksklusif.
Mahu mengetahui cara-cara nya?
Siapa berminat ingin mengetahui rahsia di sebalik video YOUTUBE ini, sila email kepada :
dengan subject : "DUIT VIDEO YOUTUBE AJAIB"
Cuba jangan tak cuba!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Subject : Dengan Hanya USD $5, Anda Boleh Gandakan Sehingga RM500,000!!
Salam Sejahtera,
Jangan katakan mengarut atau cerita dongeng untuk menjana RM500,000 dalam masa 100 hari kerana ianya sememangnya boleh terjadi kepada diri anda.
Dengan adanya produk hebat ini, ianya bukan lagi perkara mustahil kerana segalanya telah di dedahkan di dalam pakej serba lengkap ini.
Maklumat lanjut, klik di bawah:
Pakej ini sememangnya lengkap untuk anda walaupun anda tidak pernah mengenali apa itu jana wang sebenarnya. Jadi jangan buang masa anda untuk menyertai apa-apa program buat duit di internet yang masih lagi belum jelas bagi anda kerana ini adalah satu-satunya penjana kewangan terpantas di dunia!!
Salam Maju Jaya,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Invited : Zakaria Che Noor RM 0.40 2009-01-30
Invited : Nik Norazlinawaty binti Jusoh RM 0.40 2009-01-30
Invited : Fa Zhi Na RM 0.40 2009-01-30
Invited : zarina ibrahim RM 0.40 2009-01-30
Invited : DZULKIFLI BIN MAHMUD RM 0.40 2009-01-29
Invited : Kamarulzaman Bin Ibrahim RM 0.40 2009-01-29
Invited : cepul RM 0.40 2009-01-29
Invited : alid28 RM 0.40 2009-01-29
Invited : pRof eWanz RM 0.40 2009-01-29
Invited : ale3na RM 0.40 2009-01-29
Invited : ejot RM 0.40 2009-01-29 Invited : shazma RM 0.40 2009-01-29
Invited : JULIAN JULIS RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : MAZIAH BT ISMAIL RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : Ahmad Saiful Izuan bin Mohd Kasim RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : MOHD FARIZ BIN ABU BAKAR RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : MUNNIAMAH VERTHARAJEE RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : nor yazfashiha yahya RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : mohammad anas bin mohd asarani RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : ezpex RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : Mohamad Lufti Mahpudz RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : norul asiah RM 0.40 2009-01-28
Invited : anuar_ae RM 0.40 2009-01-27
Invited : NURSAFURAA BINTI HAMZAH RM 0.40 2009-01-27
Invited : Shinichizx RM 0.40 2009-01-27
Invited : angel RM 0.40 2009-01-27
Invited : SHARIZAN BT MOHAMED ALI RM 0.40 2009-01-26
Invited : Mohd Johan Aswani Bin Muhammad RM 0.40 2009-01-26
Invited : mohd faizal bin rohizan RM 0.40 2009-01-26
Invited : honeybear RM 0.40 2009-01-26
Invited : Nurul Nadzirah bt Abdul Malek RM 0.40 2009-01-26
Invited : Sallmah Baki RM 0.40 2009-01-26
Invited : hamdiz RM 0.40 2009-01-26
Invited : Jessy RM 0.40 2009-01-26
Invited : leeguy777 RM 0.40 2009-01-26
Invited : fathi kamil bin ahmad RM 0.40 2009-01-25
Invited : cIk aRnI RM 0.40 2009-01-25
Invited : airinm RM 0.40 2009-01-25
Invited : HEIDER BIN ABDUL RAHIM RM 0.40 2009-01-24
48 orang dalam masa 6 hari !
48 x RM 0.40 = RM19.20
RM19.20 dalam masa 6 hari !!
dalam masa sebulan = RM19.20 x 5 = RM96.00!!
jadilah tu buat duit bayar bil internet kan??
So, mari sama2 kita tolong youthsay.
Kepada yang berminat untuk menolong youthsay dan meraih pendapatan sampingan seperti di atas, sila hubungi saya di
dengan subject : YOUTHSAY MONEY
END.Lets see a Humor story:
HuMor 1
HumOr 2
Humor 3
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
here is the link : google translate
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Mr Bean JokEs!
Doctor: I regret to tell you that you have a brain tumor.
Mr. Bean: Yesss!!! (jumps in joy)
Doctor: Did you understand what I just told you?
Mr. Bean: Yes of course, do you think I'm dumb?
Doctor: Then why are you so happy?
Mr. Bean: Because that proves that I have a brain!
Teacher: What is 5 plus 4?
Mr. Bean: 9
Teacher: What is 4 plus 5?
Mr. Bean: Are you trying to fool me, you've just twisted the figure, the answer is 6!!
Mr. Bean: I'd like some vitamins for my grandson.
Clerk: Sir, vitamin A, B or C?
Mr. Bean: Any will do, my grandson doesn't know the alphabet yet!!
Friend: What are you looking at?
Mr. Bean: I know your PIN no., hee, hee.
Friend: Alright, what is my PIN no. if you saw it?
Mr. Bean: four asterisks (****)!
5) Marriage
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Earn Money While You Tweet
You enjoy tweeting with your friends, but wouldn't it be great to make a little extra cash on the side while you post on Twitter?
Here is the solution: Its give you links to post on your Twitter account, and you earn money each time someone clicks on your link!
To sign up with TWITTER, click here ---> REGISTER NEW ACCOUNT
Lets see a funny story below :
FunNy 2
FunNy 3
Sunday, April 19, 2009
MARi BerJiMAt deNgAn HAndPhonE!!
Anda merupakan pengguna tetap handphone?
" Era Teknologi telah memudahkan kita dalam pelbagai kaedah. Antaranya didalam perhubungan komunikasi. Rata-rata kini setiap orang sudah mempunyai handphone untuk memudahkan sistem komunikasi."
Adakah anda juga memiliki handphone?
Boleh ker berjimat dengan hanya menggunakan handphone??
Ya! Jawapannya boleh.. Saya telah berjimat sejak mengetahui kaedah yang paling berkesan untuk berjimat dengan hanya menggunakan handphone sahaja!!! Kini saya boleh berjimat dengan hanya hubungi kawan, kenalan, keluarga dan ramai lagi.
Malahan, kini saya bukan hanya berjimat tapi saya sudah menghasilkan pendapatan sampingan yang amat efektif setelah saya menjumpai sebuah sistem! apa dia sistem itu? keterangan lanjut, lawati di bawah :
P/S:Adakah anda mahu membuang masa sekadar menggunakan handphone tanpa mendatangkan sebarang hasil? Sertai kami sekarang!
P/S: Agak rugi jika anda terus menangguhkan niat anda untuk hanya sekadar melihat. Sedangkan handphone merupakan alat komunikasi anda setiap hari.. Ibarat membiarkan paip air terus mengalir tanpa menutupnya kembali. Wang anda akan terus mengalir tapi anda langsung tidak berjimat dan menjana pendapatan sampingan dengan mudah.. Sertai kami sekarang!
END. Jokes Story Below :
Jokes 1
Jokes 2
JOkes 3
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Romantic idea.
This is a continuation of ideas I feel happiness in knowing that I am helping people be more romantic and saving what could be a rocky relationship. I do say this to people within relationships be honest because hiding your feelings is never good thing, honesty is the best policy.
If you are planning a surprise romantic gesture try to keep it secret as it has more of an effect on your lover.
A note to purposing lovers be careful make sure you know how your partner feels about you there's nothing worse than purposing to someone who does not feel the same about you it heart breaking and discuss these things with your partner first before jumping the gun.
1. A really romantic idea as a romantic idea which can be used for an anniversary is, personalizing a box of chocolates or wine saying e.g. people stay or float away but the fact that you're always there by my side proves that you will never go away. This is a really nice gesture to put on a gift specially if you want to personalize it to purpose to your partner.
2. I know one I idea that happened to me it was Valentines Day and my boyfriend which is now my fiancée bought me this lovely key which had an ingravement of key to my heart then it had a poem next to it.
3. Romantic dinner all cooked yourself ,if your purposing hiding the ring box in the napkin
4. A really romantic purposal idea is a picnic on the beach until the sun is at set then purposing on the beach.
5. If you want to enchant your partner, buy a big bag of tea light candles round about 100-200 and spread them throughout your area BUT AS A FIRE RISK DON'T LEAVE THEM UNATTENDED AND MAKE SURE THE AREA IS SAFE FROM CATCHING FIRE. Remember to turn lights off and then lead you partner into the room with eyes closed, spread rose petals on the bed or area.
6. Home cooked meal for two a note for men if you provide a home cooked meal for your partner I can reassure you they will be dazzled and yours forever specially if you incorporated the tea candles throughout the area of dinning ,along with romantic music I suggest the music from the film American beauty or along the line of soft music.
7. If you have a big garden or go out to a field a picnic can also romantic at night you might want to make sure that it's a dry clear night so you can both see the stars very romantic
8. Write a note or poem to her/him saying you feel about them or put it in a piece of art work.
9. Take your partner out to the orchestra that is related to romantic songs
10. Go and see a romantic film.
11. Go for a romantic night walk across the beach in summer this is a very romantic way of purposing if you thinking of doing that sort of thing
12. Spread strawberries and cream throughout and enjoy.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Bras for Dummies
Getting the right bra for any occasion...
Plunge Bra
This type of bra is best worn with v-necks. It happens to enlarge and sculpt the overall breast to perfection, by pushing the breasts together.The weekend bra: Great if you're lounging about the house. With underwires, seamless stretch cups and skinny straps, it could be the lightest bra in your drawer. Perfect for the weekend lounging.
No-Wire Bra For Traveling
There's nothing better to prevent discomfort on a long haul flight. This bra has no underwire, seamless cups, wide shoulder straps and a below the bust-line band. Plus, it means you won't set off the security gates at the airport either!
Convertible Bra
This bra has straps with clips which can be positioned to give five different positions such as halter, criss-crossed, over one shoulder, over both shoulders and strapless. This is most definitely a must have for any women.
Contour Bra For T-Shirts
Great for wearing under a t-shirt. It has skinny straps, flexible underwires and soft seamless, spongy cups give boobs a very smooth finish.
Lower-Back Basque
Comes in handy for those low back dresses. If you're a D cup or larger, a low back strapless Basque offers more support than a normal backless bra because the ribcage at the front takes the weight off the breasts. However, if your dress is cut so low you can see the top of your bum, you will need backless support.
Balconette Bra For Round-Necks
The cups are under wired, padded as well as low cut. As they mould around the breasts, they expose the upper part, giving breasts a lifted up effect. Straps are thin and wide revealing the maxim amount of cleavage.Remember to check your boobs regularly for lumps and irregularities. One in nine women will be affected by breast cancer in their lifetime.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Games and Cheat Codes
With increasing gaming and online portals for games users are flying high and enjoying the ease of access to their favorite games. From super Mario to strategy games lime War-craft 3 and Age of Empires many games have been able to touch people of all ages.
Game zones have become hot and even few sites lime offers a way to earn for gamers. Though it is not yet officially available to users other than US and Canada but people are enjoying online gaming.
Along with increase in graphics and multimedia in games users are looking forward for some new exciting ways of enhancing themselves with more skills to win games.
One tactic that has become popular among users is the use of cheat codes in their favorite games.
Games like Grand Theft Auto, road rash, Warcraft 3 etc. have become famous enough for their cheat codes. For example, in Warcraft 3 if you uses cheat code “whosyourdaddy” you can kill your opponents with one click and “greedisgood” increases your money balance in the game.
When research was carried out among gamers about the use of cheat codes 60 percent of people found it useful and exciting while rest found it boring enough to take away their skills of gaming.
While people were found of desktop games now is the age of animated and graphical laptop and mobile games. Lot of mobile purchase comes with free game installations and business of gaming is increasing and is bound to increase in time to come.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Blogging Skills and Tactics
Here I give you some of the skills and tactics on how to make your blog interesting.
1. Give your blog a singular voice with a personality. Your blog has to be authentic or other bloggers will figure it out.
2. Connect your products to interesting stories.
3.If you are short on writing time or stumped for ideas, consider developing a series of podcasts by conducting taped (audio or video) interviews on the top cool trends of interest to your audience or some other list-oriented topic. Then, you can break up the interview into individual segments to be doled out on whatever basis you normally post.
4. Invite guest bloggers who have something interesting and pertinent to say. But don't abdicate your responsibility to communicate with your readers by featuring a constant rotation of contributors, If there is someone else in your company who has great ideas to share, then give this person his or her own blog.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Easy Ways to Earn Money Online - $2500 Per Month
1. Sell your items on the reputable website.
Go to the reputable website to sell your items instead of selling on the small sites. The sits as Ebay will charge you the listing fees. But it is worth! Why? This site has the most members of the online shopping sites. It will save your time and energy to idle on the small sites. Some other sites such as and is also well considerable sites.It all depends on your convenience to choose the right one.
2. Join the affiliate program
You may be interested in joining the affiliated programs which will give you commission for leading consumers to their products. When having your own website or blog, you can recommend the products of different sites and provide links to the sites.
3. Writing and get paid
Some websites such as and Associated buy the articles from different writers. Sharpen you writing skill and get paid from these sites.For this job, the player must have good writing skill and patience for getting paid.
4. Do the online survey and read emails
This way can't get you rich but will bring you some extra money. Sign up for the advertisement companies will pay you when the survey is completed. Rememeber, don't spend money for the joining fee or the started kit. It will be a scam. It is quite important to choose the companies with good reputation. Do some research before starting joining one program.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Get Rich Online by Making Money Online
This program consists of four factors of making money online that you can practice after this:
1. Get Rich Online Goal
Before you arrange your goal, you must be realise why you desire to make money online. The "why" is much more important than the "how." Once you have strong "why", confidence with your powerful brain to find established methods for making money online.Get
2. Rich Online Planning
You must hold a written plan of what you're enduring to do in making money online.
3. Get Rich Online Tutor
You can't perform it lonely. You must find out the right tutor to show you the powerful methods to make money online. It surely cuts your learning curve.Why do you want to re-invent the cycle when established methods for making money online are available?
4. Get Rich Online Strategies
You require to search programs that will enhance you success in making money online. After that select the program based on your passion, skill and personality.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Five Legitimate Companies for Making Money From Home
To apply with this company, you must meet the requirements such as having a home office, high speed internet connection, USB headset, telephone, and complete the application online.
This site also offers a calculator to figure out how much money you can save by working from home. Click on the link above, read their frequently asked questions, and spend some time to see if this is what you would like to do.
There are three areas to choose from this company: tech support, sales, and customer service. You have to pass a class, and earn a certificate in basic skills to become Arise Certified Professionals.
Click on the link to explore their other opportunities.
Alpine Access
Alpine Access has been in business since 1998, and is the biggest home-base employer. They believe in a happy relationship between their customers and employees. You are paid for on the job training, and the hours you work.
Check out the Frequently Asked Questions to learn more, and to see if this opportunity is right for you.
This company started in 1996, and offers many areas to choose from, such as data entry, call center work, processing orders, reservations, enrollments, customer service, sales, market research, and tech support.
You can find more answers on the Frequently Asked Question for information.
Speak Write
This company is currently accepting applications for legal typists. For general typists and other areas, you can submit your email address to keep on file when they are accepting applications again. SpeakWrite are for Canada and US typists only!
1. Refrain from openly displaying expensive equipment (such as laptops, hand held PDA’s, etc.) to the public. Ensure that these items are not easily accessible from your reception area or to any passerby.
2. Always place your valuables in the trunk of your car or in a locked drawer/closet as soon as you are done using them.
3. Avoid leaving shopping bags or gifts inside your space when you are not there or where a passersby can see them.
4. Be especially watchful for suspicious persons on the property. Be alert of individuals who follow you and/or watch you place items in your car. Report all suspicious activity to security or your local Police Department.
5. Always lock your doors every time you leave.
6. Never leave your wallet in a jacket pocket, especially when it is on the back of a chair or a door.
7. Be aware of securing checkbooks, as these items are prime theft targets. When accounting for your checkbook, make sure all checks are accounted for in sequence. Often times, it is the checks from the middle or the back of the checkbook that are taken so the victim will not acknowledge it until some time later.
8. Avoid keeping large amounts of cash in your home or office.
9. Question visitors who wander through the site. Ask them,“May I help you?” Legitimate guests will appreciate the offer of assistance and would-be solicitors or thieves will be detoured.
10. Pay particular attention to securing or keeping closed the emergency stairwell doors at all times. Report to security immediately if the stairwell door was modified to be left opened or unlocked or if there are any visible signs of forced entry.